A self-serve solution

Handle GRC processes with speed, ease, simplicity — here’s how


SmartScript™ Editor

The Heart of RISKflo’s Self-Serve Technology

A SmartScript™ is an encrypted template containing all the knowledge and business rules required to implement a specific GRC process.  Depending on the GRC process to be converted, SmartScripts range from simple to complex. A SmartScript™ is context sensitive with only relevant questions and supporting information presented. Ensuring respondents have a great user experience.

For processes regulated by government bodies or industry standards — simply download the corresponding SmartScript™ from the SmartScript™ Library and adapt for a complete digital solution.



RISKflo Capture™

Puts SmartScript(s)™ to work

Capture™ launches the SmartScript™ as its corresponding SmartForm™ whenever needed. This brings standardisation and structure to question-response based use cases. Delivers relevant background and context sensitive information via a single interface. Submit responses, attach evidence, delegate to SMEs, revise and update before submitting for approval(s) … and much more.


RISKflo Concur™

Enables multi-stakeholder collaboration

Powerfully drives complex multi-stakeholder collaboration – Review, Collaborate, Revise, Form consensus. RISKflo Concur™ enables multi-stakeholder review for feedback and final approval.

Relevant experts across the enterprise are brought together to review, collaborate revise and form a consensus – all within the one system.



RISKflo Register™

View and action knowledge

RISKflo Register™ — connects to your SmartForms™ to see the bigger picture. Search and filter data easily to identify irregularities, themes and trends. Launch new SmartForms™ to assign actions and accountabilities and monitor them to completion, enabling end-to-end collaboration and workflow. See a full audit history and drill down to supporting materials.


Export records for other tools, such as advance analytics and other
management systems to leverage combined data for further GRC profiling
and insight development.

Stand-alone or integrate with existing systems

The RISKflo platform is highly flexible and scalable. Fits into the complex and rapidly evolving GRC eco-system of technologies and existing GRC/Enterprise Risk Management platforms.

Configure RISKflo as a stand-alone platform or integrate with any existing platform using our integration functionality. Let RISKflo become your workflow-collaboration and socialisation layer for risk management — dramatically increasing your ROI on existing technology assets.